Consider this your personal “flavor profile.” What flavors best represent you?
I’m def [more of] a sour than sweet type of person.
Let’s dig deeper — what do these flavors say about who you are?
Very typical Cancerian of me, haha. We tend to be more rough up front to protect ourselves because we’re such sweeties on the inside.

Can people be more than one flavor? Why?
Yes! Everyone has a core personality trait or two, but depending on the situation one can grow.
What is one of your favorite Pride traditions?
The parade! People tend to overlook it but it’s how it all started — as a march and protest for our rights.
What does #CelebrateAllFlavors mean to you?
It means a new brand opening up to the idea of inclusiveness and I couldn’t be happier.
If we’re talking food, which dish would you say represents your flavor?
Ice cream!
What’s your go-to delivery dish?

Pride is a beautiful time of year, but how do you celebrate all flavors year round?
By making sure I continue to share my story as well as others who are doing well for the LGBT community.