Confirm your hotel’s address, and enter it in. First things first, be sure to get your hotel’s address dropped into your location on the Grubhub website or app. This will ensure your surrounding choices are accurate.
Use filters to refine your new choices. You’re in a new city! That means you might have a larger or smaller pool of options on your app. We suggest refining your order via our Filters — from cuisine filters (Chinese, Mexican, American) to our dish filters (Salads, Sandwiches, Dessert). This will help lead you to your preferred dish quicker.
Use special instructions to tell your driver to call you when the food has arrived. Be sure to include details about your delivery in special instructions. Things like “I am staying at this hotel, so please call me when you arrive” or “Please come into the lobby and leave with the front desk” will help make the drivers job easier.
Thirsty? Avoid absurd mini bar charges and order your drink, too. If there’s one thing you can count on with a hotel, they upcharge you on beverages. Be sure to add a water, soda, or juice onto your order so that you stay hydrated.
Don’t forget dessert! You’re at a hotel, which usually means you’re treating yourself, whether it’s been a long day of conferences (and the company’s paying) or it’s been a not-so-tough day on the beach. Either way, you deserve dessert. So order up!