Whether it’s undergoing an unexpected surgery with a long recovery time or giving birth to your first child, sometimes it’s nice to have someone lend a helping hand. It’s a lot easier to focus on recovery and healing when you know you and your family are being taken care of. That’s where Meal Train comes in.
Friends, family members or even coworkers can organize a Meal Train for someone in need. When you participate in a Meal Train, you’re then assigned a date and a meal to provide to the person or family it was arranged for. Sometimes the meal donated is home cooked and hand delivered…but other times, it’s a Grubhub gift card.
Kim Matragna set up a Meal Train for her friend from middle school, Andy, while he was recovering from back surgery. She saw that so many people were opting in to help, but because of their own busy schedules, they chose to to contribute with a Grubhub gift card.
“For a lot of people…having the option to use Grubhub was really helpful,” said Kim. “I know with me and my friends, we’re all just really busy…so being able to go online really quick and buy a Grubhub gift card and send it to them was a way that…they could still help.”

Combined with offsetting busy schedules, the Grubhub gift card also provides versatility. “I think that it gives a lot of flexibility…say they have tons of leftovers in their fridge…they can use the Grubhub gift card whenever the fridge is getting low,” Kim said.