How did you get inspired to make this feed?
Pies Across America started in July 2016 on RAGBRAI. It’s basically 15-20,000 cyclists eating and drinking their way across the state (some of them may also be there for the cycling).
Most of my friends think I am crazy for riding 500 miles during one of the hottest weeks of the year, but I tried convincing them it was worth it by posting all of the amazing food I eating. Soon I found myself obsessing over the delicious homemade pies the church ladies were making (I grew up on grocery store pie, an American tragedy, I know!). So, I went a little crazy and ended up eating about 3 slices a day for the whole week.
Since each pie was so unique, I thought it would be fun to give each one a story inspired by their creators. When I got home, my friends wanted more pie stories and were sharing wonderful stories with me. I signed up for a new Instagram account and Pies Across America was born.

How do you decide what pie to order for which post?
I’m always on the lookout for the obscure and unique pies. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t turn down an apple, but it’s the vinegar pies of the world that I am after (yes, vinegar pie is real and is actually very sweet).
Where does character inspiration come from?
Originally, I was tapping into my own experiences and stories of my grandparents, but now my friends and family share stories with me that I draw inspiration from.
Give us a pie for every season — go.
Summer: Key Lime
Fall: Bourbon Pecan
Winter: Apple Cranberry
Spring: Strawberry Rhubarb

Ordering pie can go one of two ways — do you order slices or go for the whole pie?
My goal is always to try as many flavors as I can, and the best way to do this is by ordering slices. Whole pies are reserved for when I find my favorite flavor and want to eat the whole thing.
List out 3 of your favorite restaurants on Grubhub and what we should order from each.
Only 3?! It probably took longer than it should have… but here they are:
— Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie from Bub City in Chicago.
— Key Lime Pie from North and South Seafood and Smoke House in Madison
— Purgatory Pie from St. Francis Brewery in Milwaukee.

So we know you’re all about pie, but what’s a savory favorite to your sweet?
Easy, pizza! I’ve been tempted to include it on my feed. It’s a type of pie, right?
Who’s one of your top favorite pie characters you’ve met along your journey?
So hard because there have been so many, but the one that sticks out the most is Thelma. She’s a dark chocolate mousse from Burbank, California. And, she had a cookie crust with pretzels on top. So amazing. Her story was one of my faves to. You can read it here.

This is Thelma, the dark chocolate mousse pie with pretzels on top.
Last question — why pie??
How dare you.